In addition to the four primary seasons, Japan observes 24 solar terms each lasting approximately 15 days. These solar terms can be further subdivided into periods known as “Shichiju ni ko” or the “72 seasons”. The 72 season calendar is characterized by the Japanese acuteness towards seasonal subtleties, such as “Momo hajimete saku”, the first peach blossoms, and “Shimizu atataka wo fukumu”, when frozen springs stir.
72 values the subtle seasonal changes in Japan, and offers designs that capture the ambiance of the times.
ブランド名の由来は、七十二候( しちじゅうにこう) から。72(セブン・ツー)は、日本の繊細な季節の移り変わりを大切にし、時代の空気感を捉えたデザインを提供します。